Are you dreading trying to stay fit this winter? When it’s cold and rainy outside and you’re cosy and warm in bed it can be very difficult to get out there and train. Follow these handy tips to help stay motivated and stick to your personal goals this winter.

1. Layer up – Investing in suitable lightweight but warm active wear will help you stay warm and dry when training outside. Find a breathable waterproof jacket so you can head outside even when it’s wet!

2. Allow time for a thorough warm up – Warming up before your main exercise is always important no matter what time of year you are training but when the wind is blowing and the temperature is low it is vital you spend time warming up and stretching to avoid injury. Warming up is also a great way to ease yourself into those early morning workout sessions.

3. Find a friend – When nobody is waiting on you it is much more tempting to roll over and press snooze on the alarm than spring out of bed and lace up your runners. Find a training buddy and arrange to meet with them on those cold rainy mornings, you wouldn’t want to let your friend down, would you?

4. Mix it up – Repeating the same workout over and over be it running on the treadmill or outside on the roads it can become tedious. Try different activities to help you stay engaged with your training. It can also be lots of fun to try something new. Look for indoor physical activities such as rock climbing or trampolining to put a spring back in your step.

5. Get out and about in the daylight – Try to fit a lunchtime run into your work day once or twice a week. It’s warmer and lighter and there’s the advantage of not having to squeeze your workout in before or after work.

6. Use your living room – You don’t need a huge amount of space to workout at home, just enough to fit a mat on the floor. Bodyweight workouts are a great way to tone up and build strength. Try a circuit that includes working out your core, legs and upper body. Planks, crunches, wall sits, leg raises and push-ups will get your heart pumping!

7. Prioritise your workout – Flexibility can be great but when it comes to planning a workout schedule it’s a good idea to set specific days and times and stick to it. This will help prevent other plans taking priority and will also help to establish a routine.

8. Appreciate the weather – Believe it or not training in cooler conditions has its benefits. Not only is it good for your body to get out and about in the fresh air but also it can help to de-stress and set you up for the day ahead. You also burn more calories!

9. Eat well – Sounds simple right? But when you are cold and tired grabbing an unhealthy snack or pre-made dinner can be tempting. Stock up on vegetables and protein based food so you are less inclined to snack on junk food. Planning your menu for the week in advance and cooking a batch of meals to last the week will help you to stay on track and eat nutritional food.

10. Set your goal – and stick to it! Set a SMART goal (specific, measurable, achievable, realistic, time-based) that will give you a focus and help to keep you motivated. Whether it’s training for a trekking challenge over multiple days, running a marathon or even a being able to run 5 kilometres without stopping—having something to aim for is the best way to stay on track.

Good luck with your training this winter!